I had a beagle once- a dear sweet dog, she was always happy, and most happy when she was eating something. Often it did not seem to matter to her WHAT she was eating, as long as it fit down her gullet in 2 or 3 large bites before I could get it away from her. She was also very happy when sniffing or barking, and she alternated quite easily between these two activities. She often multi-tasked this with great efficiency as well, especially when a client visited my studio, and hence the name "Barking Beagle Studio" came about. There seemed to be a number of Richard Harrington's working as freelance illustrators at the time, so I took advantage of the adorable but noisy little pup I picked up off the streets of Syracuse to help with my identity crisis; I became the Richard Harrington With The Dog. She inspired me to create the image above...(Posted by Rich Harrington)
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